StudentsPledge News Date- 1st May 2022 – NEP 2020 has been already implemented nation wide undemocratically, even without the consent of the citizens, teachers, students, educationinst at the onset of Corona pandemic. AIDSO was very much vocal from the beginning, consolidated protest campaign, deputaion, dharna. To save the public education a country wide Signature campaign of One Crore in 150 Days by AIDSO all India committee has been announced few days earlier to consolidate the students community at large. The inaugural signature campaign was officially started today on the historic May Day at Jadabpur 8B Bus stand area in Kolkata. The program was organised by West Bengal State Committee where Comrade Sourav Ghosh, General Secretary, AIDSO delivered a speech in front of student gathering and officially started the sign campaign. West Bengal state President Comrade Samsul Alam also delivered a speech. Comrade Suman Das, President, and Comrade Abu Sayeed, Secretary, Kolkata District Committee was also present at the Inaugural campaign.
1Crore Signature Campaign inaugurated against NEP-2020